KYODAI - white haori
A kyodai's task is to learn about Nippon and the Renjai clan. They must also know the three clan names and the names of the clan heads, as well as the three groups and the names of the group heads. Additionally, kyodai learn to understand the orgazational structure of the Renjai clan and how to appropriately address members of their own clan as well as those outside.
Promotion to Shatei:
1. Kyodai must be an active Renjai member for a minimum of 2 weeks.
a. Activity is defined as interaction with clan members, consistent presence in Nippon and with other clan members, recruitment, or RP involvement within storylines.
2. Must also pass a test, given by one of the clan officers which include: Knowledge of the three clans and three groups. Knowledge of each of the clan head's names. Knowledge of the Renjai clan officers.
3. Kyodai must also be showing Sensei, samurai and clan officers have the right to consider any kyodai for promotion to shatei
SHATEI - blue haori
Shatei, as with all Renjai are expected to assist and involve themselves with recruitment and clan activities. Their main focus is mastery of a skill; be it fighting, role play, recruitment, building or some other. They are to prime themselves into becoming teachers and role models to the clan and work closely with sensei and officers to learn bushido, honor and duty.
Promotion to Sensei
1. Shatei must be an active member for a minimum of 1 month and demonstrate clan loyalty by duty.
2. Worthiness to become Sensei hinges on:
a. The understanding that Renjai functions as a family unit and a supportive team and to be able to effectively and respectfully communicate with superiors, peers and subordinates.
b. The ability to judge the strengths and weaknesses of others and to work with all clan members effectively.
c. The ability to serve as a role model to others in the clan.
d. The willingness o train others in the skill that they have mastered.
3. Warrior Sensei must adequately complete a series of tasks set and defined by the Renjai clan officers.
2. Promotion to Sensei or Samurai is the decision of the clan officers.
3. In order to earn clan standing as Samurai, a Shatei OR Sensei must train and be nominated to represent the clan in the Gempuku tournament held by Emperor Ronin. This tournament is issued only several times per year, and only two names may be put forth. Samurai title is the equivalent of Sensei title and carries the same duties, yet demonstrates mastery of Warrior skill sets.
SENSEI AND SAMURAI - brown haori
Both sensei and samurai are expected to teach other clan members in the skill(s) that they have mastered. They are heavily involved in clan making decisions, but their primary job is to train and recruit. Sensei and Samurai are considered the ultimate in the clan, and are looked up to by other clan members. They are the elite and carry their title proudly.
Promotion to Shateigashira
1. The sensei/samurai's name must be nominated by the Kumicho, Oyabun or Wakagashira.
2. The Sensei/Samurai must demonstrate overwhelming loyalty to the clan and be a key asset to its function.
3. The Sensei/Samurai must be a strong leader and heavy contributor to the clan by consistent recruitment of new members, training of younger members, and be instrumental in clan politics and role playing storylines.
SHATEIGASHIRA - black haori
As clan officer, shateigashira are leaders. They are expected to create and conduct clan functions, operations, and to be heavily involved in the management and leadership of the clan. This is the highest appointed office, and it is only given to those who are and have proven themselves to be an integral part of the clan and its identity.